Public interface

The public interface allows public to access the database through addresses of the following type:</p><p class="lead">http:// “country-or-city name”

The site is composed of four levels:

Home page (first level)

  • A slide-show with welcome messages
  • Texts and video messages from the institutions in charge of the project
  • Directory of institutions/ministries, forms and legal bases
  • Menu of the procedures documented in the system

This page can be totally customized through the administrative interface. All texts and photos can be changed.

Menu page (second level, opens when you click on an objective on the homepage)

  • Investment sub-objectives
  • Explanatory texts

This page can be totally customized through the administrative interface. All texts and photos can be changed.

Summary page (third level, opens when you click on a procedure/objective)

  • Left part: list of all steps in the procedure
  • Right part: summary of the procedure indicating the total number of institutions involved, showing all results, requirements, costs, duration and legal bases justifying the procedure

Step page (fourth level, when you click on a step)

  • Left part: list of all steps in the procedure
  • Right part: description of the elements for each step

The content of this page is automatically generated by the database.

Home page


Section 1

a. Logo(s) of the system
b. Logo(s) of the local counterpart
c. Search tool in the database

Section 2

d. Home: takes you to the home page from any part of the system
e. Procedures: shows the complete lits of procedures documented in the system
f. About us: presents the local eRegulations team
g. Contact: visitors can send messages/feedback to the administration.
h. Language: allows a quick translation of the site, powered by google translation
i. Slide show: series of photos with welcoming messages towards the visitor (fully configurable through the administrative interface)

Section 3

j. Links to menu pages. This line scrolls if the list of procedures is longer than the size of the frame.

Section 4

k. Title of the site
l. Texts presenting the system

Section 5

m.Directories of institutions/ministries, forms and legal bases
n. Welcome: link to a video welcome message or to other parts of the system
o. How to use the site: link to a tutorial video or explanation page
p. Feedback: link to a simple form for sending comments, complaints or simplification ideas

Section 6

q. Title of the objective (procedure)
r. Sub-Menu
s. Links to sub-objectives (procedures)

Section 7

t. Logo of UNCTAD and sponsors/donors (if any)
u. Logo(s) of the local counterpart(s)

Menu page

The menu and the logo bars on the top and bottom of the page remain unchanged
  1. Title of the procedure: refers to the procedure or objective which is divided into sub-objectives
  2. Text: explanation which applies to the whole objective and sub-objectives
  3. Sub-objective: or the specific operation which leads to the summary of the procedure
  4. Text explanation applicable to each sub-objective
  5. Images related to the the objectives

Summary page

This page is divided into two parts:
  1. Left part: list of all steps in the procedure
  2. Right part: summary of the procedure indicating the total number of institutions involved, showing results, requirements, costs, duration and legal bases justifying the procedure

Left part: List of steps

  1. Number of steps: refers to the total number of mandatory and optional steps which are necessary to complete the procedure
  2. Block: name of the block (group of steps that are related to each other) and the number of steps it contains
  3. Step: name and number of the step. If you click on the name, the step file opens on the right side of the page

Right part: Summary of the procedure

NewImage NewImage
1. Title Title of the summary page
2. Print button You can print the summary page or the complete procedure by clicking on this button
3. Summary page button Once you move to the steps' page you can click on this button to return the summary page
4. Previous step Back to the previous step (this button is not active on summary page)
5. Next step Forward to the next step
6. List of entities Full list of all entities involved in the procedure
7. Results of the procedure List of all main results (permits, certificates, registrations, etc.) obtained throughout the procedure
8. Requirements for the procedure List of all necessary documents and forms to submit throughout the procedure
9. Costs of the procedure Detail of the costs of the procedure
10. Timeframe Total duration of the procedure and the amount of time to be spent in queues, at the administrations' counters and the waiting time between steps
11. Legal justification of the procedure List of all legal norms (laws, decrees, circulars, etc.) justifying the procedure

Step page

This page is divided into two parts:
  1. Left part: List of all steps in the procedure
  2. Right part: Description of the elements for each step

Left part: List of steps

  1. Number of the steps: shows the total number of mandatory and optional steps involved in the procedure
  2. Block: name of the block and the number of steps it contains
  3. Name of the step: brief description of the action to be taken by the user or the result expected from the step; when clicked, a window is opened on the right side of the page with full description of the elements of the step

Right part: description of the step

NewImage NewImage
1. Number of the step Indicates the order of the steps in a procedure
2. Name of the step Brief description of the action to be taken by the user or the result expected from the step
3. Certification Certification stamp, when clicked the certification sheet opens up with the name of the entity who certifies that the elements of the step are correct, with the date of certification
4. Print button Allows printing the step or the complete procedure
5. Summary page button Takes you back to the procedure's summary page
6. Previous step Back to the previous step (this button is not active on the first step)
7. Next step Forward to the next step
8. Tabs button Click on this button to group steps elements in tabs or to see the full view of all elements
9. Contact details - Entity in charge: Photo, name, address, email and phone number of the entity in charge of the step - Unit in charge: Photo, name, address, email and phone number and working hours of the administrative unit in charge of the step - Person in charge: Photo, name, address, email and phone number of the head of the unit or the person directly in charge of the step
10. Result of the step Document (or information) that is obtained at the end of the step
11. Requirements List of the documents or forms which have to be presented, they can be previewed by clicking on the image icon. There is also mention of the number of originals, copies or authenticated copies which have to be submitted to the person in charge of the step
12. Costs Detailed list of what has to be paid in the step
13. Timeframe - Waiting time in queue: Minimum and maximum time (range) from the moment that the user enters the office till the moment the person in charge takes care of his request. - Time at the counter: Minimum and maximum time the user spends at the counter with the person in charge of the step - Waiting time until next step: Minimum and maximum time the user has to wait before undertaking the next step (usually picking up the document which is requested in the current step)
14. Legal justification Name of the norm (law, decree,circular, etc.) which justifies the step and its elements, with the exact indication of where it can be found (chapter, section, etc.) A link or a document containing the norm is attached
15. Additional information Any additional information that is considered useful and that can not be described in other parts/elements of the step
16. Certification Name of the person who certifies that the elements of the step are correct, with the date of certification. When clicked the certification sheet opens in a pop-up window.
17. Report an incorrect information/ suggest simplification Links allow reporting an incorrect information in the step or propose an idea for simplification
18. Recourse Person to whom the user can complain in case this one disagrees with the official in charge of the step. Usually this person is the immediate superior to the person in charge
