Updates of the eRegulations systems

v 4.2

29/12/2016 detail
  • Results come from the document database
  • Relation between results and requirement is automatic

v 4.1.1

26/12/2016 detail
  • Change repository elements visibility from public page
  • Timeframe : half-day shown as "0.5 day"
  • Safe empty recycle bin

v 4.1

18/12/2016 detail
  • Recourses are treated as contacts
  • No more "Show recourses" on top of the procedures tree

v 4.0.3

15/12/2016 detail
  • New button "Obtain online"

v 4.0.2

14/12/2016 detail
  • No more "This step is subjected to a cost"
  • Cost type selector to chose between fixed, % and "per"
  • Adding a variable of a cost directly from the cost settings
  • No more "Upload from FTP" button for uploading medias
  • No more "Description" field for each document
  • No more "Has document attached" checkbox for each document
  • URL input has "short-url" feature

v 4.0.1

10/12/2016 detail
  • Duplicate block
  • Duplicate procedure
  • "Show recourses" checked by default in procedures tree
  • Tree items are closed by default - only current element subtree is open
  • Infinite number of logos in header and footer
  • Additional top menus
  • Display only certified procedures to public
