Installation on local server


eRegulations Installer is a program that can be executed in console line interface which installs eRegulations suite:

  • Admin Web App : web application allowing data entry by authorized user
  • Public Web App : web application displaying the data in HTML format
  • CRAlerts CLI : program that sends email alerts regarding consistency reviews tickets or status changes
  • Statistics CLI : program that computes statistical data and saves it to the database

System Prerequisites

In order for the installer to run properly, following components need to be installed:

  • .NET Framework 4.0 (or later)
  • Sql Server 2008 (or later)
  • IIS 7 (or later)

Installation Process

Once started, the eRegulations Installer does the following:

  • creates needed databases
  • extracts application files in provided path under following structure
    - eRegulations
    				    |__ CLI
    				        |__ ereg-alerts
    				        |__ ereg-statistics
    				    |__ Web
    				        |__ ereg-admin
    			|__ ereg-public
  • creates, if needed, Translation Central Repository (folder which contains the system translation modules - shared between eRegulations systems)
  • configures web applications in IIS (Admin Web App and Public Web App)

Environment Configuration

The installer specific settings file is Config/config.json, found in main path of application. Please configure the file with the following options:

  • database - database related parameters
    • instanceName : database server name
    • username : username for database connection ( please note that the user must have write access on master db)
    • password : password
  • webServer - IIS configuration related parameters
    • adminAppBinding : url of the admin application which will be configured in IIS (eg.
    • publicAppBinding : url of the public application which will be configured in IIS (eg.
  • application - application related parameters
    • country - country specific parameters
      • name : current system country name
      • id : current system country code (ISO 3)
      • city : (optional) current system city
      • region : (optional) current system country region
      • currency : current system currency code (ISO 3)
      • primaryLang : current system main language code (ISO 639-1:2002)
      • secondLang : current system second language code (ISO 639-1:2002)
    • googleCodes - parameters used in public web app for google monitoring and translation plugin
      • googleAnalyticsAcc: (optional) google analytics account
      • googleTranslateContent: (optional) google translate plugin code
    • email - parameters used for feedback and alert sending functionalities
      • smtpServer : smtp server host
      • useSmtpAuthentication : use authentication for smtp server (true/false)
      • smtpUsername : (optional) smtp server username (if authentication on)
      • smtpPassword : (optional) smtp server password (if authentication on)
    • feedbackAlerts - parameters used for feedback and alert sending functionalities
      • sendFrom : the address from which the feedback receivers will get the alerts/feedback messages
      • sendToList : list of email addresses which will receive feedback messages by default
    • installationPath : the path in which the applications will be installed (please use the escaped form of the path)
    • multilangCentralRepositoryPath : the path to the translation central repository (if already exists - please provide the escaped path to it, if not, please provide the desired escaped path - including the folder name )

Further Information

If shared database 00-dbe-global does not exist, the installer will create by default an admin user with the following credentials: admin/1234. If database exists, all master users will have admin access to the newly created system.

The eRegulations CRAlerts and Statistics applications are designed to be executed on a regular basis in task scheduler. For regular job execution, please program the execution of execStatistics.bat/execCRAlerts.bat files found in main path of each CRAlerts/Statistics application in task scheduler.

The Admin Web App also offers the option of being synchronized with an eRegulations API Server: For setting up the communication between Admin App and API Server, please complete the Admin Web App web.config file as follows:

  • uncomment the childs of configuration>Unity>container "ApiPublishers" element
  • fill the settings found in configuration>applicationSettings>Unctad.eRegulations.APIPublisher.Properties.Settings section
    • eRegApiBaseURI : API root url
    • CountryCode : the current system name
    • APIUsername : username for api authentication
    • APIPwd : password for api authentication
