Statistics CLI

The Statistics Review Command Line Interface (CRAlerts CLI) is a console executable program that queries the eRegulations content, computes a series of statistical data related to eRegulations content.

The program is intended to be executed daily from tuesday (early hours) until saturday (early hours) by setting a task in the stask scheduler. It calculates all the indicators and stores them in the database flagging them with the date of the previous calendaristical day.

1. Application architecture

The Statistics BusinessObject API stores data calculated for the followind indicators:

  • Total Number of published procedures
  • Total number of procedures
  • Total number of certified procedures
  • Total number of published steps
  • Total number of entities in charge
  • Total number of units in charge
  • Total number of persons in charge
  • Total number of laws
  • Total number of generic requirements
  • Total number of results of steps
  • Total number of feedbacks

All the indicators implement the interface IIndicatorSet that has only one method:

public void SaveStatistics(List<StructuredProcedure> data, SystemInfo system, ERegAppContext ctt);

2. Config file

The Statistics program uses a similar config file like CRAlerts CLI in order to retrieve a list of eRegulations systems for which the job must be executed.

See: 7.2. Config file

3. Data structure

The statistics data structure is here.
