v 4.2 29/12/2016

This update is about simplifying the way results of steps are used as requirements in other steps.

  • Results come from the document database

    Before, results are created from the step itself. With this update, result is added to the step from the “documents database”.

    If the result does not exist in the “documents database” it is created in the database and then added to the step - exactly as the requirements work.

  • Relation between results and requirement is automatic

    Before, the requirements that were results from a previous step were added from the list of documents, where they appeared with a yellow background.

    With this update, requirements are documents coming from the database of documents. A requirement can be a result from a previous step or not, it does not matter. All the requirements are added from the database of documents.
    The system detects automatically if one document appear to be result in one step and requirement in a posterior step (in this case it will be green in the summary).
